I'm not feeling well again today, coughing up some blood despite the pills which have been working very well up to now, so I had to call in sick on my first day of "work" at the charity shop - not a very impressive start and I can see the scowl on Mrs Amazon Jones' face already.
Elsbeth was very worried but I told her not to be. If I've learned anything in life its this: that worrying is a pointless, time wasting endeavour. Interestingly I had just read this today in Joe's Bible when she called: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ... Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Very sensible words.
Imagine her surprise when I quoted that back at her. Heh-heh.
My last list item is Harry. No I haven't done the dishes, but nobody's perfect. I'll ask Elsbeth or Amy if they would like to take care of the old bag of attitude.