A quiet, reflective day.
Yesterday's events have left a mark on me that won't go away. Its a bit dramatic but I felt that I had met goodness personified. I'm under no illusions – humans are imperfect creatures - but there was something: a peace, a joy, a certainty that I've never had. I know I think too much, but this is really bothering me.
So I decided to take my mind of things with some home cooked Chilli Con Carne. I have all the spices so just needed some minced meat and kidney beans from the shops. I noticed with some pleasure that I walked straight past the drinks aisle without stopping.
The Chilli was very fine indeed, lots of fresh coriander, cumin and chillies. I sometimes throw in carrot, celery, mushrooms etc but today it was just mince and kidney beans. I can scarcely move now, I ate so much.
Harry has just arrived. Best give him something to eat. I'll miss the old fellow when I move.